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I could never rent out my family home, who would I trust to be there?

Homeowners in the Northwoods are just beginning to realize that their vacation homes can be self-supporting. There are many trustworthy, dependable families that would love to rent your home for the week or month who will treat your home like their own and be happy to come back next year! NLVH will find them for you, screen them, and process all of their payments.

My home is old and need lots of work, who would want to rent it?

Many families love to vacation in Three Lakes. Some expect a high-end vacation experience, some enjoy the old-world charm of cottages and older homes. If your home meets safety requirements, you can rent it as is. Or, our in-house interior design staff can recommend affordable changes that could increase the value of your home as a vacation rental, and even help you make those changes.

Won’t my neighbors be upset if I let others stay in my home while I’m not here?

Short-term rentals are relatively new in the Northwoods. Many home-owners here love the privacy and routine of knowing their neighbors and don’t think they want short-term renters staying next to their dream home. NLVH staff have anticipated this dynamic and will help you to determine if your neighborhood is ready for this change, and work with your neighbors to welcome these guests.

Do I need a license to rent my lake home on a short-term basis?

Yes. But don’t worry, we will help you with that process. There is a form that must be completed and filed with the County. The Town Planning Commission, Town Board and County Zoning Office will review the form and complete an inspection of your home. NLVH will complete the form with you and do a pre-inspection of your home so that we can help you fix anything that needs fixing before you pay the fees for the inspection so that you know that you will pass and be approved. We accept our fee for the pre-rental process from the first-month rent and will even pay the local fees and taxes from your rental payments, so your income is hassle free!

Gramma’s china has always been right there in the cupboard, can I leave it there?

While we will help you select only families that will respect your home, you should not leave personal and sentimental items unlocked in your home when other families are there. But don’t worry, we will walk through your home with you, and answer any questions you have about what you should and shouldn’t leave in your home while it’s earning income for you.

How much work will I have to do for the families staying in my home?

As much or as little as you like. We can make arrangements for just about anything you need to rent your home, including: professional cleaners; lawn care services; repair services; etc. NLVH provides 24-hour on-call services to the families staying in your home, we will make sure that your home is cared for as well we care for our own homes.

How often can I use my home if others are staying there?

You can rent out your home as much or as little as you like. Our services our offered on a percentage basis, so whether it’s a week every month, a few weeks a year, or year-around, our property management fee remains a flat percentage of the rental price.

What if I rent for awhile and decide it’s not for me?

You are under no obligation to continue renting your home to others once you partner with NLVH. Our fee for getting your home inspected and licensed is taken from the first month’s rent. After that fee is covered, you are free to continue the rentals indefinitely, or stop, whatever works best for your family.

Experienced - Hassle Free - Full Service